08 Jun RESCHEDULED: Assessment HQ Presents: COVID-19, Learning Loss, and the Role of Assessments
Last week, the Collaborative for Student Success joined the Blackout Tuesday movement out of respect and solidarity with the Black community and to help focus online and media attention on efforts protesting systemic racism.
In light of these events, we postponed the Assessment HQ Presents: Measurement Matters online event originally scheduled for June 2, 2020, which shifted the timeline for our three-part webinar series.
For the next three weeks, starting on June 16th, Assessment HQ, a project of the Collaborative for Student Success, will present a series of webinars that delve into the COVID slide and testing related topics, such as the effectiveness of available diagnostic tools and how the recent cancellation of spring testing will complicate assessment data and accountability systems.
Measurement Matters is now taking place on June 16th at 3:30 PM ET and will be the first of the series hosted by yours truly and will feature thought leaders from across the education sector.
You’re invited to tune in on these dates:
June 16: Measurement Matters
The first webinar will focus on why measuring learning loss is an important issue and examine the tools available to do so. The discussants will be Bill Porter, Partner at Education First, and Chris Woolard, Senior Executive Director for Performance and Impact at the Ohio Department of Education.
June 23: Diagnostic Dilemma
The second webinar will focus on the challenges and opportunities of implementing instructionally informative assessment options. The discussants will include Laura Jimenez, Director of Standards and Accountability at the Center for American Progress, Dr. Juan D’Brot, Senior Associate at the Center for Assessment, and Dr. Eric Becoats, Superintendent at the William Penn School District.
June 30: Summative Spring
The third webinar will focus on the complications for accountability systems amid a lack of spring 2020 state assessment data and look ahead to the spring 2021 assessment landscape. The discussants will be Jack Markell, Former Governor of Delaware, Denise Forte, Senior Vice President for Partnerships and Engagement at The Education Trust, and Lynn Olson, Senior Fellow at FutureEd.
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